martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013

English Language Challenges

Hello classmates!! today is the last class of English and today I going to write about the of English class in the University and the English language. I am not sure about the English because I feel the pressure to finish the subject  however actually I like the English blog because I might to say my opinion about different things and how I must to write in English I think better my ideas about the things and in many times I am thinking or investigating more about the topic.
Well, today or in my daily life I am not using English permanently, but when I am investigating about different topics of anthropology for my thesis or in my work  I always find the papers, news, or information in English, the mos part of the information of world is in English, for example I remember to search information about of a doctoral dissertation of a Chilean student about spatial segregation in Santiago and his topic were very important for me, however I didn't find the dissertation in Spanish  I remember be searching the original paper about two o three hours, and I never found this document and finally I read the doctoral dissertation in English. I want to read in Spanish because my reading comprehension is better and I need to understand perfectly the concepts. Not only in the work or academic world I am using the English also in the entertainment thing for example the music or  TV (dear and hate TV) and the internet! the majority of the interesting things in the internet world is in English...
This is the reason why I know that I must learn better my language. I think that my reading comprehension and my handwriting in English is sufficient to survive in the English world, buy I know that to talk an to listen in English is a skill complicated for me and I am not sure how improve this. I think that I think that I can study more years in a academy and starting for the basic things but my people (family, friends, boyfriend) tell me that I must dare to speak in English.

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