martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

Have you had a good year?

Well, It's difficult to me to talk about this year because I feel that the days, weeks and months fly and Yesterday was the December of last year. Although I think better, I remember the different things that have happened me month to month. I started my year in Tierra del Fuego, south of south, in the house of a friendly family. I didn't have electricity, internet, gas, etc. This New year for the first time I ate a lentils soup for the good luck or fortune in the life. Actually I don´t believe in this things, but in conclusion this year was or is a good year.
I traveled to different places: In the summer I went in a trip to south of Chile, then I traveled to the Peru and Bolivia, I can travel alone and I knew different people. Well, later, when the academic year started I was working in my project of dissertation and  I worked to earn some money and now I was working in my internship. Although I didn't have achievements when this year started. I think to finish the last year of my career was a priority and a responsibility. 
Other thing! In the winter vacations, I visited a friend in Pica and We participated in Fiesta de La Virgen de la Tirana. Actually was a excellent vacations: Sun, relaxation, party, culture etc. 
I don't know about things didn't go so well, but There was one thing marked the life of my family, and produced different feelings, well my grandmother (mother of my mom) died the last September and even if it cause we some sadness, It produced we tranquility because We know  that now she is in peace.
Well I don't know more interesting things that happened me this year...that is all I have to say..maybe the next year

martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013


Today I am going to write about the money...Well I think the exchange is one thing very important in our life of human, big part of the humanity was built one the exchange, the civilization, the technology, etc.The money is a recent form of exchange. Through common factor as the money the people would be able to get things that are not able to produce. 
Well, personally money is very important for me, because money allows me to buy different things or services, trips etc...although money isn't the happiness allows to get different things. 
I get the money from different people, I receive money from my parents for daily expenditures, the food, transport, photocopies, the things I need for the university, and money I receive for little part time works surveys, transcriptions, etc, for others expenditures but I prefer to save the money for my holidays and trips. Actually I prefer to save all the money, because I recognize myself as a stingy person. 
Actually I don't have a definite budget, but I have an idea of how to spend my money and rarely I don't accomplish my mental budget. Well, sometimes I spent more than I could afford but I never have a big debt.  
If I had unlimited money as Farkas I think that..I don't know... I would travel around the world, I would buy a kayak <3. I suppose that rich people get used to live a life with money, They are Buying big things aren't asking about the price, with a luxurious life..etc. Actually I wouldn't like my life to change because I like my modest life. 
Well, I wouldn't like to pawn any of my belongings, but if This is necessary I will have to pawn my...cellphone, because I have other things with its functions, the computer, mp3, etc. But I don't know if someone pays for it. 

A song related with the topic...